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Mirrors decorated in Murano glass

Rossi Illuminazione
  • Pair of Murano glass mirrors, frame with carved inserts on a cobalt blue background, from the late 1940s, measures cm. 78 X 102 . Paar Spiegel aus Muranoglas, Rahmen mit geschnitzten Einsätzen auf kobaltblauem Hintergrund, aus den späten 1940er Jahren, Maße cm. 78 x 102 .
  • Pair of Murano glass mirrors, frame with carved inserts on a cobalt blue background, from the late 1940s measures cm. 78 X 102
  • Murano glass mirror frame with carved inserts on a cobalt blue background
  • Murano glass mirror frame with carved inserts on a cobalt blue background detail
  • Pair of Murano glass mirrors, frame with carved inserts on a cobalt blue background, from the late 1940s, measures cm. 78 X 102 . Paar Spiegel aus Muranoglas, Rahmen mit geschnitzten Einsätzen auf kobaltblauem Hintergrund, aus den späten 1940er Jahren, Maße cm. 78 x 102 .
  • Pair of Murano glass mirrors, frame with carved inserts on a cobalt blue background, from the late 1940s measures cm. 78 X 102

Pair of Murano glass mirrors, frame with carved inserts on a cobalt blue background, from the late 1940s.

Pair of Murano glass mirrors, frame with carved inserts on a cobalt blue background, from the late 1940s.

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